Friday, March 5, 2010

Mu’Barak…Ya Habibi

It permeates our minds, images of red rubies…..ringlets of precious blood inked across the faces of innocent children whose lives have been shattered by a battle cry of freedom.
Can any battle be free?
Ideologies have taken up arms, the race in favor of the West. But what of the rest? AKs and shrapnel lull their voices to rest….
Children hear the uneasy lull-a-byes….unlikely syncopated concertos….tanks, missiles, signals, bells, alarms, tanks, shots, grenades, missiles. Forced to reinvent their games to wrap their minds around reality’s dreams- ashes, ashes, we all fall down.
Can innocence survive?
Na’st Allah. Even children can serve the wrong God? Pope Urban’s Catholcism doesn’t allow for reincarnation, though I must wonder if he was a Bhuddist and W his vessel?

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