Sunday, March 28, 2010

#8 10/2008

I can’t change the colors of my heart.
The blinding blinking alternation red-green-red-green-red-green has me hypnotized.
Trapped in a moment in time where our souls combined. A still-born birth, deferred life, your world is not a place where I can survive.
Shades of yellow reminding of caution fail to register, displaced, by your face. That feeling that emanates from the place that tickled me pink and riddled me distraught all at the same time.
I can’t change the colors of my heart. The erratic shift. Stop and go. Red-green-red-green-red-green has my hypnotized. My senses numb to every touch but yours. My breath tied to your stroke. I wish my mind could release me from my courted paralysis. But, I rest. Hypnotized.

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